
Release Version 1.48 (Sep-01-2020)

Account Management

New Pricing Plans

Added support for new pricing plans. Customers can now choose:

  • Flexible base subscription plans.
  • Add-On Sources and Models, and On-Demand Events to supplement the base plan.
  • Custom plans to meet specific business requirements.

Read Pricing Plans.


New Destinations UI

Enriched the Destination interface to enable users to interact more with the Destination database or warehouse and keep track of the actions being performed on it. The new Overview, Workbench, and Activity Log tabs enable you to view the status of the data loading activity, manage the Destination schema and also keep track of all the actions performed on the Destination.

Read Familiarizing with the Destinations UI.


Deprecated Webhook URL

The legacy webhook URL has been deprecated. Switch to the new URL before Dec 31, 2020 to avoid disruption of work.

Read more in the respective webhook’s documentation, for example, GitHub.

Microsoft Ads

Added support for Microsoft Ads as a Source. Read Microsoft Ads.

Documentation Updates

Improved Documentation Website

  • Provided a landing page with easy access to important and frequently accessed sections.

  • Grouped topics more logically within the sections.

  • Included the date of the latest update to a page to help identify newer content.

  • Enabled user feedback via the e-mail.

New and Modified Content

Added/modified the following sections:

Last updated on Dec 26, 2023

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