Klaviyo v2 Setup Guide

Klaviyo is an email marketing platform that offers both email and SMS marketing automation.

You can replicate data from your Klaviyo account to the Destination database or data warehouse using Hevo Pipelines.


Creating the API Key

You require an API key to authenticate Hevo on your Klaviyo account. The API key does not expire and can be reused for all your Pipelines. You can retrieve the key from your Source administrator or create one.

Note: To create API keys, you must have Owner, Admin, or Manager user role on the account.

To create the API key:

  1. Log in to your Klaviyo account.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the left navigation pane, click the Profile icon, and then click Settings.

    Profile Settings

  3. In the Settings page, Account tab, click API keys.

    Account Tab API Keys

  4. In the Private API Keys section, click Create Private API Key.

    Create API Key

  5. On the Create Private API Key page, do the following:

    Specify API Key Settings

    1. In the Private API Key Name field, specify a name for the API key. For example, Klaviyo Connector for Hevo.

    2. In the Select Access Level section, specify one of the following:

      • Read-Only Key: This level provides read-only access for every API scope.

      • Custom Key: This level provides the selected access only for the specified API scopes. If you select this option, you must provide Read Access for the following API scopes:

        • Campaigns

        • Events

        • Flows

        • List

        • Metrics

        • Profiles

        • Segments

        • Templates

    3. Click Create.

    4. On the Private API Key Confirmation page, click the copy icon to copy the key, and save it securely like any other password. Use this key while configuring your Hevo Pipeline.

      Copy API Key

Configuring Klaviyo v2 as a Source

Perform the following steps to configure Klaviyo v2 as the Source in your Pipeline:

  1. Click PIPELINES in the Navigation Bar.

  2. Click + CREATE PIPELINE in the Pipelines List View.

  3. In the Select Source Type page, select Klaviyo v2.

  4. In the Configure your Klaviyo v2 Source page, specify the following:

    Source settings

    • Pipeline Name: A unique name for your Pipeline, not exceeding 255 characters.

    • Private API Key: The API key that you obtained from your Klaviyo account.

    • Historical Sync Duration: The duration for which you want to ingest the existing data from the Source. Default duration: 3 Months.

  5. Click TEST & CONTINUE.

  6. Proceed to configuring the data ingestion and setting up the Destination.

Data Replication

For Teams Created Default Ingestion Frequency Minimum Ingestion Frequency Maximum Ingestion Frequency Custom Frequency Range (in Hrs)
Before Release 2.21 6 Hrs 1 Hr 48 Hrs 1-48
After Release 2.21 6 Hrs 30 Mins 24 Hrs 1-24

Note: The custom frequency must be set in hours as an integer value. For example, 1, 2, or 3 but not 1.5 or 1.75.

  • Historical Data: The first run of the Pipeline ingests historical data for the selected objects on the basis of the historical sync duration specified at the time of creating the Pipeline and loads it to the Destination. Default duration: 3 months.

  • Incremental Data: Once the historical load is complete, data is ingested as per the ingestion frequency in Full Load or Incremental mode, as mentioned in the table below.

Schema and Primary Keys

Hevo uses the following schema to upload the records in the Destination:

Data Model

The following is the list of tables (objects) that are created at the Destination when you run the Pipeline:

Object Mode Description
profile_v2 Incremental Contains details of the contacts stored in your Klaviyo account, which includes a profile identifier such as the email or phone number and additional information such as the first name, last name, and location.
event_v2 Incremental Contains details of the actions taken by the profiles in your Klaviyo account. These actions are represented as timestamped records.
metric_v2 Full Load Contains details of the categories to which the events captured on your Klaviyo account belong. Metrics are the groupings for events of the same name. For example, all events called Placed Order will be grouped under the Placed Order metric.
list_v2 Incremental Contains details of the static lists into which the profiles in your Klaviyo account are organized. A profile may be assigned to multiple lists or may not belong to any list.
segment_v2 Incremental Contains details of the dynamic segments into which the profiles in your Klaviyo account are organized. A profile is added or removed from segments based on whether it meets the criteria defined for each segment.
profile_list_v2 Incremental Contains details of the lists that a profile in your Klaviyo account is part of.
profile_segment_v2 Incremental Contains details of the segments that a profile in your Klaviyo account is part of.
flow_v2 Incremental Contains details of all the automated sequences defined within your Klaviyo account. These sequences, referred to as flows, consist of automated actions such as sending pre-configured emails or SMS messages, triggered by specific user actions.
flow_action_v2 Incremental Contains details of the actions triggered when a flow’s conditions are met. For example, in a flow defined for abandoned carts, a flow action can be to send an email reminding individuals to complete their purchase.
flow_messages_v2 Incremental Contains details of the messages sent as part of a flow action.
campaign_v2 Full load Contains details of the scheduled messages sent to a target audience, which is defined as a list or segment in Klaviyo. For example, a sale announcement through SMS. The details of a campaign include its type, status, and the schedule for sending emails.
campaign_utm_param_v2 Full load Contains details of the tracking parameters, such as clicks and opens, for a campaign.
audience_included_v2 Full load Contains details of the profiles subscribed to a campaign.
audience_excluded_v2 Full load Contains details of the profiles that are not subscribed to a campaign
campaign_messages_v2 Full load Contains details of all the messages that belong to a campaign.
campaign_message_template_v2 Full load Contains details of the template used by a campaign message.
campaign_message_send_time_v2 Full load Contains details of the date and time when the messages for a campaign are sent.
campaign_recipient_estimation_v2 Full load Contains details of the count of recipients who are expected to receive the campaign.

Note: The Change Position option is available only for the incremental objects, event_v2, flow_v2, profile_v2, list_v2, and segment_v2.

Additional Information

Read the detailed Hevo documentation for the following related topics:


  • If an existing profile is added to a new list or segment, this information is not captured during the incremental load. Hence, although profile_list_v2 and profile_segment_v2 are incremental objects, Hevo syncs the historical data for these objects once a week to capture such information.

  • Hevo does not load an Event into the Destination table if its size exceeds 128 MB, which may lead to discrepancies between your Source and Destination data. To avoid such a scenario, ensure that each row in your Source objects contains less than 100 MB of data.

See Also

Revision History

Last updated on Feb 05, 2025

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