Facebook Ads allows marketers to retrieve statistics about their ads, ad sets, and campaigns running on Facebook.
Hevo uses the Facebook Marketing API to replicate your Facebook Ads data into the desired Destination database or data warehouses for scalable analysis. For this, you must authorize Hevo to access data from your Facebook Ads account.
Note: From Release 2.31.2, Hevo has upgraded to v21.0 of the Marketing API. You may need to reauthorize Hevo for existing Pipelines. Refer to section, Configuring Facebook Ads as a Source for the authorization steps.
You can also ingest data from your Instagram Ads account using the Facebook Ads connector. Instagram Ads follows the same schema as the Facebook Ads connector and offers the same data replication settings.
Configuring Facebook Ads as a Source
Perform the following steps to configure Facebook Ads as the Source in your Pipeline:
Click PIPELINES in the Navigation Bar.
Click + CREATE PIPELINE in the Pipelines List View.
On the Select Source Type page, select Facebook Ads.
On the Configure your Facebook Ads account page, do one of the following:
Note: If you enable Advanced Protection, such as two-factor authentication or password changes, you will need to reauthorize Hevo; otherwise, the Pipeline will be marked as failed.
On the Configure your Facebook Ads Source page, specify the following:

Pipeline Name: A unique name for your Pipeline, not exceeding 255 characters.
Select Ad accounts: The Facebook Ads account(s) from where you want to replicate the data. One Facebook account can contain multiple Facebook Ads accounts.
Report Type: Select one of the following report types to ingest data from your Facebook Ads:
Predefined Reports: Hevo automatically selects all the reports and their respective fields and columns for ingestion.
Custom Reports: Hevo allows you to manually select the aggregation level, the aggregation time, and the fields for the Facebook Ads report that you want to replicate. Refer to the section, Custom Reports to know how to configure them.
Ad Action Report Time: The reported time of an action by a Facebook user. The available options are:
Impression: The time at which your ad was watched.
Conversion: The time when an action was taken after watching your ad.
Mixed (Default): The time when an impression or link click occurred on your ad and the time when a conversion action, such as a purchase on your website, occurred for it.
Historical Sync Duration: The duration for which you want to ingest the existing data from the Source. Default duration: 1 Year.
Attribution Setting
Custom Attribution Window Setting: You can specify either one or both of the following:
Click Attribution Window: The number of days between a person clicking your ad and taking an action such as install or subscribe. Default value: 7d_click (7 days).
View Attribution Window: The number of days between a person viewing your ad and taking an action such as install or subscribe. Default value: 1d_view (1 day).
Use Account Attribution Setting: The attribution setting that you have defined in your Facebook Ads account.
Use Unified Attribution Setting: The attribution settings that you have defined for the individual ad sets.
Advanced Settings
Thumbnail Height: The rendered height of the thumbnails provided in the thumbnail URL. Default value: 64.
Thumbnail Width: The rendered width of the thumbnails provided in the thumbnail URL: Default value: 64.
Note: The specified height and width values must be within the range 1-65000.
Proceed to configuring the data ingestion and setting up the Destination.
Custom Reports
With custom reports, you can manually select the parameters such as the aggregation settings, breakdown settings, and fields for the Facebook Ads reports that you want to replicate.
Note: The data included in the custom report is based on the set of parameters you select.
To configure custom reports, specify the following Custom Report Settings:

Select Fields: The fields that you want to include in the report such as Ad name or Campaign ID.
Select Breakdowns: The filters to further narrow down the results of your retrieved reports. For example, you can break down the results by Date or Age Group.
Aggregation Window: The time interval for which the report data is aggregated. This category shows you the trend and performance based on 1 Day, 1 Week, 1 Month, or 90 days period. Default value: 1 Day. For example, if the aggregation time is 1 Month, the report contains data for the past one month from the time the Pipeline runs.
Aggregation Level: The primary filter on which the report data is aggregated, such as the Ad ID or the Account ID. Default value: Ad ID.
Data Replication
For Teams Created |
Default Ingestion Frequency |
Minimum Ingestion Frequency |
Maximum Ingestion Frequency |
Custom Frequency Range (in Hrs) |
Before Release 2.21 |
12 Hrs |
15 Mins |
24 Hrs |
1-24 |
After Release 2.21 |
12 Hrs |
30 Mins |
24 Hrs |
1-24 |
For predefined reports
Historical Data: The first run of the Pipeline ingests historical data for the selected reports on the basis of the historical sync duration specified at the time of creating the Pipeline and loads it to the Destination. Default duration: 1 Year.
Incremental Data: Once the historical data ingestion is complete, every subsequent run of the Pipeline fetches new and updated data for the reports as per the ingestion frequency.
Data Refresh: Hevo creates a replication task for Facebook Ads reports. It also creates a data refresher task per report type to fetch the attributing results of an older date. By default, 30 days old data is fetched once per day.
For custom reports
Historical Data: In the first run of the Pipeline, Hevo ingests historical data for the reports on the basis of the historical sync duration selected at the time of creating the Pipeline and loads it to the Destination. Default duration: 1 Year.
Incremental Data: Once the historical data ingestion is complete, every subsequent run of the Pipeline fetches new and updated data for the reports as per the ingestion frequency.
Data Refresh: Hevo resyncs the data of the past 30 days.
Schema and Primary Keys
Hevo uses the following schema to upload the predefined reports’ data in the Destination:
Data Model
The following is the list of tables (objects) that are created at the Destination when you run the Pipeline for predefined reports:
Note: For custom reports, the data model is derived dynamically based on the custom report settings you provide.
Object |
Primary Key |
Description |
Ads |
- ad_id |
Contains information about the ads in your Facebook Ads account. |
Ads Insights |
- ad_id - date_start - date_stop |
Contains detailed statistics for each campaign, set, ad combination per day. |
Ads Insights Age and Gender |
- account_id - ad_id - age - date_start - date_stop - gender |
Contains detailed statistics for each campaign, set, ad combination per day, sorted by age and gender. |
Ads Insights Country |
- account_id - ad_id - date_start - date_stop - country |
Contains detailed statistics for each campaign, set, ad combination per day, sorted by country. |
Ads Insights Region |
- account_id - ad_id - date_start - date_stop - region |
Contains detailed statistics for each campaign, set, ad combination per day, sorted by region. |
Ads Insights DMA |
- ad_id - date_start - date_stop - dma |
Contains detailed statistics for each campaign, set, ad combination per day, sorted by DMA. |
Ads Insights Platform and Device |
- ad_id - date_start - date_stop - impression_device - publisher_platform |
Contains daily statistics for each advertisement grouped by platform, and device details. |
Ad Creative |
- id |
Defines the creative fields of one or more ads. |
Ad Sets |
- id |
Is a group of ads that share the same daily or lifetime budget, schedule, bid type, bid info, and targeting data. Ad sets enable you to group ads according to criteria, and you can retrieve the ad-related statistics that apply to a set. |
Campaigns |
- id |
Represent the objective for an advertiser. For example, to drive page post engagement. |
Read the detailed Hevo documentation for the following related topics:
Source Considerations
- Facebook Ads allows fetching data up to the past three years. Hence, you can change the offset using the Change Position action only within the past three years; beyond this, the API fails.
This integration does not support replicating data for reviews and pages. Hevo has a separate integration for Facebook Page Insights that can be used to fetch page and post insights.
Hevo does not load an Event into the Destination table if its size exceeds 128 MB, which may lead to discrepancies between your Source and Destination data. To avoid such a scenario, ensure that each row in your Source objects contains less than 100 MB of data.
See Also
Revision History
Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:
Date |
Release |
Description of Change |
Jan-07-2025 |
NA |
Updated the Limitations section to add information on Event size. |
Jan-06-2025 |
2.31.2 |
Updated the note in the page overview to include information about the upgrade to Marketing API v21.0. |
Nov-05-2024 |
NA |
Added a note in the Configuring Facebook Ads as a Source section to indicate that enabling Advanced Protection requires reauthorizing Hevo for existing Pipelines. |
Sep-30-2024 |
2.28.1 |
Updated section, Data Replication to change the default ingestion frequency to 12 Hrs. |
Jul-01-2024 |
2.25 |
Updated the note in the page overview to Marketing API v19.0. |
Jun-17-2024 |
2.24.2 |
Updated the Configuring Facebook Ads as a Source to add Advanced Settings for custom thumbnail size. |
Mar-05-2024 |
2.21 |
Updated the ingestion frequency table in the Data Replication section. |
Jan-29-2024 |
2.19.3 |
Added a note in the page overview about the Marketing API v18.0 update. |
Oct-03-2023 |
NA |
Updated the section, Configuring Facebook Ads as a Source as per the latest Facebook UI. |
Mar-23-2023 |
2.10 |
Updated section, Configuring Facebook Ads as a Source and Custom Reports to reflect the latest UI. |
Sep-05-2022 |
NA |
Updated section, Data Replication to reorganize the content for better understanding and coherence. |
Aug-24-2022 |
NA |
Updated the Configuring Facebook Ads as a Source section to reflect the latest UI changes. |
Jun-21-2022 |
1.91 |
Updated the Configuring Facebook Ads as a Source and Custom Reports sections to reflect the UI changes. |
May-10-2022 |
NA |
Updated the historical data sync information for predefined reports in the Data Replication section. |
Apr-25-2022 |
1.87 |
Updated the note in the Schema and Primary Keys section to state that the Destination schema is derived from the Source data for Pipelines with JDBC Destinations. |
Apr-21-2022 |
NA |
Added a note in the page overview about the option to replicate Instagram Ads data using the Facebook Ads connector. |
Mar-21-2022 |
NA |
Reorganized the section, Custom Reports for better understanding and coherence. |
Oct-25-2021 |
NA |
Added the Pipeline frequency information in the Data Replication section. |
Sep-20-2021 |
1.72 |
Added a Source Consideration whereby users can change the offset to ingest data only up to the past three years. |
Sep-09-2021 |
1.71 |
Updated the section, Data Model to reflect the correct field names for the Ads Insights Platform and Device object. |
Jul-22-2021 |
NA |
Updated the Data Model to include the primary key information. |
May-19-2021 |
1.63 |
- Updated the content to reflect the latest UI and functionality. - Added the section, Custom Reports. |