Release Version 2.18
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This release note includes all the fixes provided in all the minor releases since 2.17.
To know the list of features and integrations we are working on next, read our Upcoming Features page!
In this Release
New and Changed Features
Segregation of Historical and Incremental Data Ingestion in Table mode-based Pipelines
Implemented separate internal tasks for ingesting historical and incremental data in Pipelines created with MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server Sources (all variants) having the Table ingestion mode. This ensures faster ingestion and availability of data.
This feature is currently available for customers signing up after Release 2.18. However, you can contact Hevo Support to enable it for your team.
Custom Scheduling of Full Load Objects in Zendesk Pipelines
Enhanced the integration to allow users to set a custom ingestion schedule for all Full Load objects, while incremental load objects will continue to be ingested as per the Pipeline schedule. This feature is available for all new and existing Pipelines.
Read Zendesk.
Support for V15 of the Google Ads API
Enhanced the integration to support Google Ads API Version 15 for both new and existing Pipelines. As a part of the API version upgrade, Hevo has:
Added and removed support for some resources in the existing reports.
Added support for some new reports.
We recommend that you upgrade your existing Pipelines to Google Ads API V15 before January 15, 2024, for uninterrupted data replication. Please check for an email from Hevo if you have Pipelines with this Source.
Fixes and Improvements
Refer to this section for the list of fixes and improvements implemented from Release 2.17.1 to 2.18.
Enabled No Authentication Method for REST API Source
Provided the option to connect to the REST API Source without any authentication. You can use this when the API does not require authentication or authenticates using custom headers. This is an improvement over the earlier behavior where you had to select the Basic Auth option and leave the fields blank to connect without any authentication.
Handling of Historical Data in PostgreSQL Sources
- Fixed an issue whereby some log-based Pipelines were getting stuck while ingesting data from the Source tables that did not contain a primary key. This fix applies to all PostgreSQL Pipelines (any variant) created after Release 2.18.
Handling of Skipped Objects in Google Ads (Fixed in Release 2.17.1)
- Fixed an issue whereby skipped objects in some Pipelines were automatically included for ingestion in subsequent runs. This fix applies to all new and existing Pipelines.
Documentation Updates
The following pages have been created, enhanced, or removed in Release 2.18: