Release Version 2.08
The content on this site may have changed or moved since you last viewed it. As a result, some of your bookmarks may become obsolete. Therefore, we recommend accessing the latest content via the Hevo Docs website.
To know the list of features and integrations we are working on next, read our Upcoming Features page!
In this Release
New and Changed Features
Support for the Cluster Connection String in Amazon Redshift
Enhanced the Amazon Redshift integration to connect to your database using the cluster connection string. If you do not want to provide your access credentials, you can now grant the required access via the connection string.
Read Amazon Redshift.
Support for Custom Objects in NetSuite ERP
Enhanced the integration to support ingestion of data from custom objects in NetSuite.
Read NetSuite ERP.
Support for Custom Fields in Pardot
Enhanced the integration to support ingestion of custom fields for the Opportunity and Prospect objects in Pardot. This feature is applicable to all new Pipelines.
Read Data Model.
Fixes and Improvements
Improved Handling of Data in MongoDB
- Hevo now allows you to ingest the records even if their timestamp exceeds the current ingestion start time. Previously, if a record had a timestamp that exceeded the current ingestion start time, it would be skipped during the ingestion process. This enhancement helps you to reduce the delay in syncing records between your Source and Destination while ensuring that no records are missed due to timestamp differences. However, this feature is currently available only upon request, and you will need to contact Hevo Support to enable it for your team.
Optimized Data Ingestion for MongoDB
Fixed a bug where MongoDB Views were ingested into Hevo, despite not supporting OpLog or Change Streams. This prevented the ingestion of incremental data, resulting in stale data. To fix this, Hevo now does not ingest data from Views. This change is applicable to all new Pipelines.
Read MongoDB.
Support for Modifying the Database Selection in Existing MongoDB Pipelines
- Enhanced the MongoDB integration to modify the list of databases from which you want to ingest data, post-Pipeline creation. Previously, you had to create a new Pipeline to remove a database or ingest data from databases that you had not added while configuring your Pipeline. This change is applicable to all new and existing Pipelines.
User Experience
Improved the Data Spike Alerts Setup
Enhanced the readability of the Daily Events graph in the Set Daily Data Spike Alert pop-up window. This has been done by introducing labels for Maximum Events and Daily Events limit and a graph break for better scaling.
Read Data Spike Alerts.
Improved Transformations Content
Reorganized and improved the content for Python Transformations to enhance clarity and ease of access. Also, provided sample scripts and examples to help understand each method and block usage.
Read Python Code-Based Transformations and the other pages within this section.
Improved Data Ingestion Content
Improved the content related to data ingestion and query modes to enhance clarity and reflect the latest functionality of the Hevo platform.
Read Data Ingestion and the other pages within this section and Optimizing Query Modes for Objects.
Documentation Updates
The following pages have been created, enhanced, or removed in Release 2.08:
Account Management
Data Ingestion
Data Loading
Events Usage
Python Code-Based Transformations
API References (Deleted)
Transformation Methods in the Event Class and child pages (New)
Managing Objects
Pipeline FAQs
- How do I change the query mode for my Pipeline? (Removed and the content merged into Optimizing Query Modes for Objects)