
Release Version 1.90

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In this Release

New and Changed Features


  • PostgreSQL as an Activate Warehouse

    • Enabled integration with PostgreSQL as an Activate Warehouse for creating Activations.

      PostgreSQL as a Warehouse

      Read PostgreSQL.


  • Invoiced as a Source

    • Enabled integration with Invoiced as a Source for creating Pipelines.

      Invoiced as a Source

      Read Invoiced.

  • Recurly as a Source

    • Enabled integration with Recurly as a Source for creating Pipelines.

      Recurly as a Source

      Read Recurly.

User Experience

  • Easier Object Selection in CleverTap Source Configuration

    • Enabled uploading of the CleverTap events file while configuring CleverTap as a Source. Hevo reads this CSV file to display the list of objects you can select from for ingestion. Now you do not need to type the names of the specific CleverTap events to be ingested.

      CleverTap release notes

      Read Downloading the CleverTap Events File.

Fixes and Improvements

User Experience

  • Improved Visibility into the HubSpot Account

    • Enhanced the HubSpot Source configuration page UI to display the domain name associated with the HubSpot account from which data is being ingested.

      Domain names of the HubSpot Account.

  • Enhanced Visibility into Data Loading Status

    • Extended the IN PROGRESS status to include the scenario where data loading failed due to a temporary error and Hevo will try to load data again.

      Read Data Loading Statuses.

Documentation Updates

The following pages have been created, enhanced, or removed in Release 1.90:


Data Loading




Last updated on Dec 26, 2023

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