
Release Version 1.87

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In this Release

New and Changed Features


  • Provided Support for Views Created in JDBC Destinations


  • Improved Support for Additional Objects in Apple Search Ads Connector

    • Enhanced the integration to support the Ad Level Report and Custom Product Pages objects.

      Read Data Model.

    • Removed API Certificate-based authentication as this has been deprecated by Apple Search Ads. You must recreate any existing Pipelines that uses API certificate-based authentication.

  • QuickBooks Online as a Source

    • Enabled integration with QuickBooks Online as a Source for creating Pipelines.

      QBO as a Source

      Read QuickBooks Online.

User Experience

  • Improved Visibility into Pipelines Created Using Unused Sources

    • Enhanced the Pipeline Overview page UI to display an information banner whenever the user creates their first Pipeline with an unused Source.

      Pipeline Overview Page

      Read Free Trial of Unused Sources.

Fixes and improvements


Documentation Updates

The following pages have been created, enhanced, or removed in Release 1.87:

Getting Started


Data Ingestion



Release Notes


Last updated on Dec 26, 2023

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