Error 1006 - Connection to host failed


Error Summary

  • Hevo is unable to establish connection to the database using the credentials provided by the user.

Potential Causes

  • The database hostname is incorrect.

Suggested Action(s)

  • Verify that the Database Host entered in the Configure your PostgreSQL Destination page is reachable.
    To test connectivity to the host, enter the following command in the command prompt (on Windows) or terminal (on Linux or macOS) tool.

    telnet <db fdqn hostname/ip> <db_port>

    For example, telnet 5432.

    In case you want to change or correct the value, you can do it in the Configure your PostgreSQL Destination page.

  • Use the Connect via SSH option in the Configure your PostgreSQL Destination page, if the PostgreSQL instance is on a local IP address. Read Connecting Through SSH.

  • Invite another team member with the required privileges to set up the Pipeline. Read Inviting and Moderating Team Members.

Last updated on Nov 16, 2022

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