
Connecting BI Tools to Hevo

Starting Release 2.20, the Hevo Managed BigQuery Destination is available only to users who have existing Pipelines with it. If you need to reauthorize or change the Google account in your existing Pipeline, you must contact Hevo Support.

You can connect your managed Google BigQuery data warehouse to any BI tool of your choice.


  • You must be the creator of the managed Google BigQuery data warehouse Destination.

Connecting the BI Tool to your Managed BigQuery Data Warehouse

Perform the following steps to connect the BI tool to Hevo:

1. Navigate to your managed BigQuery data warehouse

  1. In the Navigation Bar, click DESTINATIONS.

  2. Click on the managed BigQuery data warehouse Destination.

2. Download credentials for connecting the data warehouse with your BI tool

  1. In the Detailed View of your managed BigQuery data warehouse, click , and then, Connect BI Tool.

    Connect BI tool from Destination Detailed View page

  2. In the Connect BigQuery with a BI Tool page, click on the BI tool you want to connect to.

  3. Click Download to receive the database credentials for the BigQuery data warehouse, and note the settings displayed on the screen.

3. Connect the BI tool to Hevo

  1. Configure the settings obtained from Hevo in your BI tool. Read Connecting BI Tools to Hevo.

The managed BigQuery data warehouse integrates with the following BI tools:

Bi Tools

If you would like to connect a different tool, please contact Hevo Support.

Last updated on Mar 18, 2024

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