
Google Analytics Reports, Metrics, and Dimensions

The following table lists the reports built by Hevo, along with their metrics, dimensions, and descriptions:

Reports Metrics Dimensions Description
AdWords Campaigns - Bounce Rate
- Clicks
- Cost
- Goal Completions
- Goal Conversion Rate
- Goal Value
- Sessions
- Users
- AdWords Campaign ID
- Date
Contains insights into the performance of an AdWords campaign. It provides information about customer acquisition and campaign costs.
AdWords Hourly Stats - Bounce Rate
- Clicks
- Cost
- Goal
- Completions
- Goal Conversion Rate
- Goal Value
- Pages/Session
- Sessions
- Users
- Date
- Hour of Day
Contains AdWords statistics on an hourly basis across various data points.
AdWords Keyword - Bounce Rate
- Clicks
- Cost
- Goal
- Completions
- Goal Conversion Rate
- Goal Value
- Pages/Session
- Sessions
- Users
- Date
- Keyword
Contains the performance statistics of various keywords in AdWords.
Audience Overview - Average Session Duration
- Bounce Rate
- Number of Sessions
- New Users
- Pages/Session
- Pageviews
- Sessions
- Users
- Date Contains insights into your audience, based on site interactions and user metrics.
Browser and Operating System Overview - Average Session Duration
- Bounce Rate
- Goal Completions
- Goal Conversion Rate
- Goal Value
- New Users
- Pages/Session
- Sessions
- Users
- Browser
- Date
- Operating System
Contains insights into the browsers, devices, and operating systems used by your customers to visit your site.
Campaign Performance - Bounce Rate
- Goal Completions
- Goal Conversion Rate
- Goal Value
- New Users
- Pages/Session
- Sessions
- Users
- Campaign
- Date
Contains an insight into the performance of your Google Analytics campaign, as well as the various goals, such as customer acquisition.
Channel Traffic - Average Session Duration
- Bounce Rate
- Goal Completions
- Goal Conversion Rate
- Goal Value
- New Users
- Pages/Session
- Percentage (%) New Sessions
- Sessions
- Users
- Date
- Default Channel Grouping
Contains insights into the various goals and customer acquisitions based on their interaction with the various source channels.
Events Overview - Average Value
- Event Value
- Events/Session with Event
- Sessions with Event
- Total Events
- Unique Events
- Date
- Event Category
Contains insights into the various events associated with your campaign.
Social Media Acquisitions - Average Session Duration
- Bounce Rate
- Ecommerce Conversion Rate
- New Users
- Pages/Session
- Pageviews
- Percentage (%) New Sessions
- Revenue
- Sessions
- Transactions
- Date
- Social Network
Contains information from social media platforms about customer interactions and acquisitions.
Traffic - Average Time on Page
- Bounce Rate
- Entrances
- Page Value
- Pageviews
- Percentage (%) exit
- Unique Pageviews
- Users
- Date
- Page Title
Provides insights into the traffic and interactions on your website. These insights are based on each page of your website.
Last updated on May 30, 2023

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