
Free Sources

In the Free plan, Hevo offers you some Sources for free to create Pipelines. The Events loaded from these Sources count towards your monthly quota of 1 Million Events. If you exceed this quota, Hevo sidelines the Events, and loads them only when you upgrade to a paid plan or a new monthly cycle starts.

You can view the list of these Sources by using the Free Sources filter in the Select Source Type page.

Free Sources List

All paid subscription plans come with both free and paid Sources for creating Pipelines.

Note: Trial users have access to both free and paid Sources.

See Also

Revision History

Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:

Date Release Description of Change
Mar-09-2023 NA Updated the page to restructure information for better clarity.
Mar-09-2021 1.58 New document.
Last updated on Mar 09, 2023

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