Release Version 1.91
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To know the list of features and integrations we are working on next, read our Upcoming Features page!
In this Release
New and Changed Features
AfterShip as a Source
Enabled integration with AfterShip as a Source for creating Pipelines.
Read AfterShip.
Drip as a Source
Enabled integration with Drip as a Source for creating Pipelines.
Read Drip.
User Experience
Troubleshooting Guides for FTP/SFTP Sources
Added troubleshooting content for the typical errors faced post-configuration of the Pipelines using FTP/SFTP as the Source.
Read Troubleshooting FTP/SFTP.
Troubleshooting Guide for Google BigQuery
Added troubleshooting content for the typical errors faced post-configuration of the Pipelines using Google BigQuery as the Destination.
Troubleshooting Guide for PostgreSQL Sources
Added troubleshooting content for the typical errors faced post-configuration of the Pipelines using PostgreSQL as the Source.
Troubleshooting Guides for Snowflake
Added troubleshooting content for the typical errors faced post-configuration of the Pipelines using Snowflake as the Destination.
Fixes and Improvements
User Experience
Easier Field Selection in Facebook Ads Configuration
- Redesigned the user interface for a more intuitive Facebook Ads Source Configuration process.
Documentation Updates
The following pages have been created, enhanced, or removed in Release 1.91:
Troubleshooting FTP/SFTP (New)
Incorrect file format (New)