Release Version 1.83
Note: The content on this site may have changed or moved since you last viewed it. Always access the latest content via the Hevo Docs website.
In this Release
New and Changed Features
Custom Scheduling of Data Load
Provided the functionality to create a custom schedule for loading data to your Destination, for all Destinations that support custom data loading.
User Experience
Segregated Display of Target Object Fields in Activate
Enhanced the Field Mapping user interface to display the required and optional fields separately.
Fixes and Improvements
Capture Deletes in Salesforce Objects
Enhanced the integration to support replication of deleted records of replicable objects for Pipelines that use REST APIs to ingest data. This change applies to new Pipelines. To avail this feature in your existing Pipelines, contact Hevo Support.
Read Source Considerations.
Improved Data Querying in Amplitude Analytics
Enhanced the data querying process by automatically increasing or decreasing the time duration to query the data based on the file size of the zipped folder fetched from Amplitude Analytics.
Read Data Replication.
Pipeline Frequency Adjustments in AppsFlyer
Increased the minimum and default Pipeline frequencies to prevent objects from failing during ingestion due to strict API rate limits, to handle Event build-up due to scenarios like pausing of Pipelines by users.
Read Data Replication.
Quicker Access to Historical Data for Salesforce and Shopify
Implemented historical load parallelization for new Pipelines. Hevo now divides the historical data into multiple parts, and then ingests these parts simultaneously. This enables you to have quicker access to your historical data.
The number of parts that the historical data is divided into depends on the following:
Concurrent API request limits and Total API request limits imposed by the Source API.
Resource constraints of the system: Dividing the data into too many parts can slow down the ingestion process.
Hevo divides the historical data keeping the above mentioned factors in mind.
Quicker Access to the Latest Data for Stripe
Implemented reverse historical load for all existing and new Pipelines. Hevo now ingests data starting from the latest to the earliest Event. This provides you quicker access to the most recent data when running a historical load. Any historical load that is ongoing during the feature deployment will be restarted to ingest data according to the new order.
Read Stripe.
Simplified Account Authorization in YouTube Analytics
Modified the integration to not request for the permissions for viewing content owner account details from YouTube while setting up YouTube Analytics as a Source.
Read YouTube Analytics.
Documentation Updates
The following pages have been created, enhanced, or removed in Release 1.83:
Creating and Modifying Activations (Deleted)
Creating an Activation (Created as a new page)
Modifying an Activation (Created as a new page)
Ingestion Limits for Events (Deleted)