Release Version 1.73 (Oct-04-2021)
Note: The content on this site may have changed or moved since you last viewed it. Always access the latest content via the Hevo Docs website.
In this Release
New and Changed Features
Hevo API
Hevo API V2.0
Released Hevo API V2.0 with the following enhancements:
A more extensive set of endpoints with new endpoints for operating on Destinations, Users, and OAuth Accounts.
A revamped API Docs interface.
A consistent, intuitive, and user-friendly API conventions.
A paginated list response for better performance.
You can access the Hevo API from the Hevo Docs page:
or, from the Hevo website:
Enhanced Pagination Support in the REST API Source
Enhanced the pagination feature to allow users to:
Paginate the API response based on a URL that points to the next page, and
Fetch selective records using offsets and limits.
User Experience
Troubleshooting Guides for Amazon DynamoDB and Salesforce
Provided Troubleshooting assistance for the typical errors faced post-configuration of the Amazon DynamoDB and Salesforce Sources in Pipelines.
Read Troubleshooting Amazon DynamoDB and Troubleshooting Salesforce.
Fixes and Improvements
Documentation Updates
The following pages have been created, enhanced, or removed in Release 1.73:
HubSpot (New)
Concepts and Reference
Release Notes
Troubleshooting Salesforce (New)
- API Quota Exhausted (New)
Troubleshooting Amazon DynamoDB (New)
Invalid StreamViewType (New)