Release Version 1.70 (Aug-23-2021)
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In this Release
New and Changed Features
SKIPPED Ingestion Status for File-based Sources
Introduced a new status, Skipped, to track files that were not ingested, for the Amazon S3, FTP/SFTP, Google Drive, and Google Cloud Storage Sources.
Read Data Ingestion Statuses.
User Experience
Troubleshooting Guides
Provided Troubleshooting assistance for the typical errors faced during configuration of the MySQL and PostgreSQL Sources in Pipelines.
Fixes and Improvements
Tracking Updates using Stripe’s
Enhanced the Stripe integration to track all updates and deletes in the Source data using Stripe’s
object.Read Stripe.
Enable Automatic Backup for BinLog-based Replication in Amazon RDS MySQL
Enhanced the Setup Guide content to include automatic backups, which must be enabled to successfully replicate data using binary logs.
Read Amazon RDS MySQL.
Documentation Updates
The following pages have been created, enhanced, or removed in Release 1.70:
- Creating and Modifying Activations (Deleted)
- Creating Activations
- Modifying Activations
Release Notes
Troubleshooting (New)
Troubleshooting MySQL (New)