
Release Version 1.69 (Aug-09-2021)

Note: The content on this site may have changed or moved since you last viewed it. Always access the latest content via the Hevo Docs website.

In this Release

New and Changed Features

Account Management

  • Unlimited Sources for all pricing plans

    • Enhanced all the pricing plans to offer unlimited Sources for creating Pipelines.

      Read Pricing Plans.


  • Resolving schema access errors.

    • Provided configuration steps to resolve hevo schema (or dataset) permission errors.

      Read Google BigQuery and Snowflake


  • JSON parsing strategy for arrays

    • Provided two distinct strategies for parsing JSON Events in the case of Google BigQuery Destinations. The strategy is selected based on the type of Source and the nature of the data contained within the arrays.

      Read Parsing Nested JSON Fields in Events.

  • De-duplication of Events in existing Destination tables

    • Enhanced the data replication process to de-duplicate Events in existing Destination tables using primary keys. If a table does not have one defined, the primary key of the Source schema is used.

      Read Auto Mapping Event Types.

User Experience

Fixes and Improvements


  • Google BigQuery table partitioning

    • Provided support for additional partitioning types of Hour, Month, and Year apart from the default type, Day in Google BigQuery Tables.

      Read Using BigQuery Partitioning in Hevo.


  • HubSpot - Support for ingesting archived objects

    • Enhanced the HubSpot integration to support the ingestion of archived objects.

      Read Hubspot.

Documentation Updates

The following pages have been created, enhanced, or removed in Release 1.69:

Account Management





Revision History

Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:

Date Release Description of Change
Sep-09-2021 NA Added the section, Resolving schema access errors.
Last updated on Dec 26, 2023

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