Release Version 1.68 (Jul-26-2021)
Note: The content on this site may have changed or moved since you last viewed it. Always access the latest content via the Hevo Docs website.
In this Release
New and Changed Features
Connecting to the local database for MySQL and MSSQL Sources
Provided the option to connect to a local MySQL or MSSQL Destination database for creating Pipelines.
Read Connecting to a Local Database, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL.
Fully-managed Google BigQuery Warehouse
Augmented the list of Sources for which Hevo offers a fully-managed Google BigQuery Warehouse if users do not have a Destination set up yet or do not have a BigQuery Destination.
Read Managed Google BigQuery.
Ingestion of additional reports in Taboola
Added support for three more reports to be ingested from the Taboola Source along with other minor refinements.
Read Taboola.
Fixes and Improvements
Facebook Ads - Flattened JSON field metrics in parent objects
Enhanced the Facebook Ads integration to flatten the metrics data into the parent objects to allow users to get all the data in one single table on a daily breakdown, thereby eliminating the need to run Join queries on different tables.
Read Facebook Ads.
Provided a list of Facebook fields and their descriptions for easy reference.
Criteo - Enhanced schema
Updated the Criteo schema and data model to include new objects and remove the ones deprecated by Criteo.
Provided additional filters to facilitate inclusion of the Adset Transaction Report object.
Read Criteo.
User Experience
Validation of JDBC Source and Destination schema names
- Added a check to ensure only single schema names are entered while configuring JDBC Sources and Destinations (including Snowflake), with the exception of Oracle Redo Log Pipelines, to enable a smoother Pipeline creation experience.
Validation of database hostname format in JDBC Sources
- Added a check to ensure the database hostname is entered in the correct format, in order to avoid any issues during Pipeline creation.
Documentation Updates
The following pages have been created, enhanced, or removed in Release 1.68:
- Adroll
- Amazon Redshift
- Apple Search Ads
- Criteo
- Elasticsearch
- Generic MongoDB
- Google Analytics 4
- Facebook Ads
- Oracle
- SQL Server
- Taboola