
Release Version 1.50 (Oct-19-2020)


S3 and Data Lake

  • S3 and Data Lake Destinations are not generally available now. Contact Hevo Support if you need to to set these up.


Pipeline Overview Tab UI

  • Hevo has reorganized the Pipeline Overview tab UI to provide a simple Source object based view from the earlier Jobs and Tasks based organisation. A Source object represents the basic entity at the Source end for which data gets replicated. User/system operations can now be performed either at Pipeline level or Source object level, giving the user finer control while not having to be concerned about historical/incremental/refresher scenarios.


Amplitude Analytics

Jira Cloud

  • Added support for Jira Cloud as a Source. Read Jira Cloud.


  • Added support for Stripe as a Source. Read Stripe.


Last updated on Dec 26, 2023

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