
Release Version 1.98

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To know the list of features and integrations we are working on next, read our Upcoming Features page!

In this Release

New and Changed Features


  • Custom Scheduling of Full Load Objects for Snapchat Ads and Jira Cloud

    • Provided the functionality to create a custom ingestion schedule for all the Full Load objects. The incremental load objects are ingested as per the Pipeline schedule. This feature is applicable for all new and existing Pipelines.

      Custom Full Load object schedule

      Read Snapchat Ads and Jira Cloud.

  • Harvest as a Source

    • Provided integration with Harvest as a Source for creating Pipelines.

      Harvest as Source

      Read Harvest.

  • IAM Role-based Authentication in Amazon S3

    • Enhanced the Amazon S3 integration to provide support for connecting to your Amazon S3 bucket using the IAM credentials of your AWS account. Users who do not want to provide their access credentials can now enable the required access via IAM roles and use these to connect to the Source.

      IAM Authentication S3

      Read Configuring Amazon S3 as a Source.

  • PagerDuty as a Source

    • Provided integration with PagerDuty as a Source for creating Pipelines.

      PagerDuty Source

      Read PagerDuty.

  • Recharge as a Source

    • Provided integration with Recharge as a Source for creating Pipelines.

      Recharge as Source

      Read Recharge.

  • Support for Additional Objects in Stripe

    • Added support for ingesting data for 20 additional objects. This feature is applicable for all new Pipelines.

      Read Data Model.

  • Support for Custom Objects in HubSpot

  • Toggl Track as a Source

    • Provided integration with Toggl Track as a Source for creating Pipelines.

      Select Toggl

      Read Toggl Track.

Fixes and Improvements


  • Data Ingestion Deferment in SQL Server Pipelines

    • Fixed an issue in SQL Server Pipelines created with Change Tracking mode, whereby ingestion was incorrectly being deferred when the Source did not have any new or changed data.
  • Data Ingestion for the Response Answer Object in Typeform

    • Fixed the issue whereby the data of the Response Answer object was being partially fetched. You can now ingest all of the data for the Response Answer object successfully.

Documentation Updates

The following pages have been created, enhanced, or removed in Releases 1.98:


Data Ingestion





Last updated on Apr 23, 2024

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