
Release Version 1.92

The content on this site may have changed or moved since you last viewed it. As a result, some of your bookmarks may become obsolete. Therefore, we recommend accessing the latest content via the Hevo Docs website.

To know the list of features and integrations we are working on next, read our Upcoming Features page!

In this Release

New and Changed Features


  • ActiveCampaign as a Source

    • Enabled integration with ActiveCampaign as a Source for creating Pipelines.

      ActiveCampaign as a Source

      Read ActiveCampaign.

  • Amazon DocumentDB as a Source

    • Enabled integration with Amazon DocumentDB as a Source for creating Pipelines.

      DocumentDB Release Notes

      Read Amazon DocumentDB.

  • BigCommerce as a Source

    • Enabled integration with BigCommerce as a Source for creating Pipelines.

      BigCommerce as a Source

      Read BigCommerce.

  • Delighted as a Source

    • Enabled integration with Delighted as a Source for creating Pipelines.

      Delighted as a Source

      Read Delighted.

  • Help Scout as a Source

    • Enabled integration with Help Scout as a Source for creating Pipelines.

      Help Scout as a Source

      Read Help Scout.

  • Quickbooks Time as a Source

    • Enabled integration with Quickbooks Time as a Source for creating Pipelines.

      Quickbooks Time as a Source

    Read QuickBooks Time.

  • UserVoice as a Source

    • Enabled integration with UserVoice as a Source for creating Pipelines.

      UserVoice as a Source

      Read UserVoice.

  • Prebuilt Reports for Google Analytics

    • Provided the option for selecting prebuilt reports while configuring Google Analytics as a Source. Hevo creates these reports by automatically selecting various combinations of metrics and dimensions. This feature is available for all new and existing Pipelines.

      Prebuilt Reports

      Read Configuring Google Analytics as a Source.

  • Swell as a Source

    • Enabled integration with Swell as a Source for creating Pipelines.

      Swell as a Source

    Read Swell.

User Experience

  • Easier Database Selection in MongoDB Source Configuration

    • Enabled the drop-down to select the MongoDB databases while configuring MongoDB as a Source. Hevo fetches the databases in your MongoDB account and displays them in the drop-down. Now, you do not need to type the names of the specific MongoDB databases to be ingested and loaded.
  • Support for Changes Introduced by Google Ads

    • Enhanced the Google Ads integration to support Version 11 of the Google Ads API. Hevo automatically handles the resulting changes while loading the data to your Destination. Please check for an email from Hevo if you have Pipelines with this Source.

    • Provided support for creating Pipelines for closed non-test Google accounts as well as suspended, cancelled, or closed test accounts.

    • Added support for the following segments for the metrics.sk_ad_network_conversions (SKAdNetwork conversions) metric, which is available when fetching the data of customer or campaign:

      • segments.sk_ad_network_user_type

      • segments.sk_ad_network_ad_event_type

      • segments.sk_ad_network_attribution_credit

      • segments.sk_ad_network_source_app.sk_ad_network_source_app_id

Fixes and Improvements


  • Improved Data Synchronization Throughput with the HubSpot Target

    • Enhanced the HubSpot integration with Activate to use bulk import APIs during data synchronization, which allows a larger number of records to be synchronized in a single API call.

    Read Data Replication.

User Experience

  • Improved Visibility into the Payment Status

    • Enhanced the Billing History page UI to display the PAYMENT FAILED status along with a tooltip that displays the failure reason.

      Payment Failed status

      Read Viewing Billing History.

Documentation Updates

The following pages have been created, enhanced, or removed in Release 1.92:

Account Management






Last updated on Dec 26, 2023

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