
Release Version 1.67 (Jul-12-2021)

Note: The content on this site may have changed or moved since you last viewed it. Always access the latest content via the Hevo Docs website.

In this Release

New and Changed Features


  • BigQuery as an Activate Warehouse

    • Enabled integration with BigQuery as an Activate Warehouse for creating Activations.

      BigQuery warehouse settings

      Read Google BigQuery.

  • Snowflake as an Activate Warehouse

    • Enabled integration with Snowflake as an Activate Warehouse for creating Activations.

      Snowflake warehouse settings

      Read Snowflake.

  • On-Demand Schema Refresh


  • Automatically include new Source tables in the Pipeline

    • Provided an option to specify whether Hevo must automatically ingest new tables found in the Source database for Pipelines with any mode except Custom SQL.
  • Flexible options for ingesting historical data


  • Taboola as a Source

    • Enabled integration with Taboola as a Source for creating Pipelines.

      Taboola Settings

      Read Taboola.

  • Connecting to the local database for MySQL and MSSQL Sources

Fixes and Improvements


  • Additional objects in the Hubspot Data Model

    • Enhanced the Hubspot data model to support replication of additional objects.

      Read HubSpot.

  • Additional objects in the Shopify Data Model

    • Enhanced the Shopify data model to support replication of additional Payment, Billing, and other objects.

      Read Shopify App.

  • Access to the Source Schema from the UI for SaaS-based Pipelines

    • Provided a link on the Schema Mapper page for viewing the schema for SaaS-based Sources, where one is provided by Hevo.

      View Schema

      Read Using Schema Mapper.

Documentation Updates

The following pages have been created, enhanced, or removed in Release 1.67:





Revision History

Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:

Date Release Description of Change
Aug-23-2021 NA Added the section, On-Demand Schema Refresh.
Last updated on Dec 26, 2023

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