
Text Casing

Refer to the information below to know how your data is transformed when you select a particular casing style.

To Lower Case

Convert all the characters of the given string to lowercase. Only applicable for characters that have lowercase equivalent.


Original Value Transformed Value
Wonder Woman wonder woman
Wonder woman wonder woman
wonder woman wonder woman
Wonder woman wonder woman

To Upper Case

Convert all the characters of the given string to uppercase. Only applicable for characters that have uppercase equivalent.


Original Value Transformed Value
Wonder woman WONDER WOMAN
wonder woman WONDER WOMAN
Wonder woman WONDER WOMAN

To Title Case

Convert the first character of each word to uppercase and the remaining characters of the word to lowercase. Words are identified by being separated with one or more whitespace characters.


Original Value Transformed Value
Wonder Woman Wonder Woman
Wonder woman Wonder Woman
wonder woman Wonder Woman
Wonder woman Wonder Woman

To Snake Case

Converts each word in the string to lowercase and prepends an underscore character at the start of the word, except the first word. A sequence of characters before a capital letter is treated as word. The capital case character itself is treated as the first character of the next word. Whitespace characters are not affected by this Transformation. Generally used if the given string is in Camel case.


Original Value Transformed Value
WonderWoman wonder_woman
Wonderwoman wonderwoman
wonderWoman wonder_woman
wonderWOman wonder_w_o_man
Wonder Woman wonder _woman
Wonder woman wonder woman
Last updated on Dec 15, 2022

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