
Trim Unicode Values

Definition: trimUnicode(onString: str) → str
Description: Removes instances of Unicode characters from the input string
Parameters: onString: The string value from which Unicode characters need to be removed
Returns: A new string after removing all instances of Unicode characters from onString

The following script takes an input string <withUnicode> that contains Unicode characters and removes these characters from it. It then assigns the resulting string to the <withoutUnicode> field in the properties dictionary.

Note: Replace the placeholder values in the script with your own values.

from io.hevo.api import Event
from io.hevo.api import Utils

def transform(event):
    eventName = event.getEventName()
    properties = event.getProperties()

    <withUnicode> = properties['<field with Unicode characters>']
    properties['<withoutUnicode>'] = Utils.trimUnicode(<withUnicode>)

Sample Transformation

Consider a variable, name with value Westeros King P, where P is the Cyrillic letter represented by Unicode character U0420.

The trimUnicode function removes the Unicode character \u0420, and assigns the resulting value to the withoutUnicode field.

from io.hevo.api import Event
from io.hevo.api import Utils

def transform(event):
    eventName = event.getEventName()
    properties = event.getProperties()

    namewithUnicode = properties['name']
    properties['namewithoutUnicode'] = Utils.trimUnicode(namewithUnicode)

    return event

Sample Output

The value Westeros King P is changed to Westeros King, and the modified value is assigned to the new field, withoutUnicode.

Sample Output - Trim Unicode Values

Last updated on Jun 30, 2023

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