
Round off BigDecimal Values

Definition: round(value: BigDecimal, no_of_places: int) → BigDecimal
Description: Round off a java.math.BigDecimal value to your desired decimal place.
Parameters: - value: The java.math.BigDecimal value to be rounded off.
- no_of_places: The number of places to which the BigDecimal value is to be rounded off.
Returns: The rounded off decimal value.

The following script rounds off the value in the <variable > field to the number of places specified by <no_of_places > and returns the rounded-off value in the <rounded_variable > field.

Note: Replace the placeholder values in the script with your own.

from io.hevo.api import Event
from io.hevo.api import Utils

def transform(event):
    eventName = event.getEventName()
    properties = event.getProperties()
    properties['<rounded_variable>'] = Utils.round(properties['<variable>'], <no_of_places>)
    return event

Sample Transformation

The following script demonstrates how the round function can be used. It rounds off the BigDecimal value in agent_id to two decimal places and writes the rounded-off value in the agent_id2 field.

from io.hevo.api import Event
from io.hevo.api import Utils

def transform(event):
    eventName = event.getEventName()
    properties = event.getProperties()
    properties['agent_id2'] = Utils.round(properties['agent_id'], 2)
    return event

Sample Output

The value of agent_id, 4.457234, is rounded off to two decimal places as 4.46 and assigned to the agent_id2 field.

Sample Output

See Also

Last updated on Mar 05, 2024

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