
Round-off Decimal Fields

Description: Round-off Decimal Values to lower precision.
Available Filters: Event Filters:
- Event Type
- Event Field

Field Filters:
- Field Name
- Field Value
Settings: - Rounding Mode: This can be Round Up, Round Down, Round Half Up, Round Half Down, Celing, and Floor. The rounding mode is applied in conjunction with the decimal scale.
- Scale: The number of decimal places to retain after rounding. Not applicable for Ceiling and Floor modes.

Read Rounding Modes.
Transformation Considerations: Scale is defined for all rounding modes except Ceiling and Floor.

Sample Transformation

Scenario: Round up the value in the Total Revenue field up to two decimal places, for all Events of the Partners Report Event Type.


  • Event Type = Partners Report

  • Event Field Name = Total Revenue


  • Rounding mode = Round Up
  • Scale = 2

Rounding settings

Result: When you test the Transformation, the value in the Total Revenue field (2954.6519) is rounded off with two decimal places to 2954.66.

Round-off decimal values

The following table lists how the value in the Total Revenue field is rounded based on each rounding mode and a scale of 2:

Original Value: 2954.6519

Rounding Mode New value
Round Up 2954.66
Additional scenarios:
2954.9919 → 2955
2954.8919 → 2954.9
Round Down 2954.65
Additional scenarios:
2954.6569 → 2954.65
Round Half Up 2954.65
Additional scenarios:
2954.6569 → 2954.66
2954.6519 → 2954.65
Round Half Down 2954.65
Additional scenarios:
2954.6599 → 2954.66
Ceiling 2955
Additional scenarios:
2954.0001 → 2955
Floor 2954
Last updated on May 30, 2023

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