
Find & Replace

Description: Find and replace string values across one or more fields.
Available Filters: Event Filters:
- Event Type
- Event Field

Field Filters:
- Field Name
- Field Value
Settings: Find: The string to be searched. For example, Limited

Replace: The value to replace the search string with. For example, Ltd

Regex: Select this check box if you want the input to be matched using a regular expression. For example, the regex ā€œ\dā€ can be used to find all numeric characters within a value. However, if the value in the Event is of type, varchar and contains a mix of letters and numbers, every time a number is encountered, it is replaced by the new value. So, if the replacement value is say, new, then the value 3ba78 might be replaced as newbanewnew. Similarly, the regex ā€œ\Dā€ can be used to search all non-numeric characters

Match Case: Select this check box to match the casing of the letters while searching.
Transformation Considerations: Find & Replace works on field values only and not on field or Event names.

Sample Transformation

Scenario: Find all occurrences of a non-numeric value in the Result field and change it to F, in the Event Type, Student.Sheet1.


  • Event Type = Student.Sheet1
  • Fields = All fields with name = Result


  • Regex check box = selected
  • Find = \D (D = non-digit, while d = digit)
    Replace = F

Find and Replace settings

Result: When you test the Transformation, the non-numeric value Fail in the Result field is changed to F.

Find and Replace settings

Last updated on Jun 01, 2023

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