
Schema Mapper Compatibility Table

Refer to the following table to know the compatible data types for a given Source field in Hevo.

Source Data Type Destination Data Type
array array, varchar
bool tiny int, bool, varchar
bytes bytes, varchar
date date, timestamp, varchar
decimal decimal, varchar
float float, decimal, varchar
geography geometry, geography, json
geometry geometry, geography, json
int int, long, real, float, decimal, varchar
json json, varchar
long long, real, float, decimal, varchar
real real, float, decimal, varchar
small int small int, int, long, real, float, decimal, varchar
struct struct, varchar
time timestamp, varchar
timestamp timestamp, varchar
timestamptz timestamptz, timestamp, varchar
tiny int int, small int, int, long, real, float, decimal, varchar
varchar bytes, varchar


  • From Release 1.76 onwards, Hevo supports Auto Mapping of the timestamptz Source data type to the timestamptz Destination data type for new Pipelines created with PostgreSQL as the Source and Amazon Redshift as the Destination.

  • From Release 2.04 onwards, Hevo supports the ingestion and loading of the geography and geometry data types for new Pipelines created with MySQL or PostgreSQL as a Source and Snowflake, Google BigQuery, PostgreSQL, SQL Server or MySQL as the Destination. You cannot set fields with these data types as primary keys. You need to contact Hevo Support if you want to enable this feature for the PostgreSQL Destination.

Last updated on May 30, 2023

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