

An Event in Hevo is any fundamental unit of data which can be migrated from a Source system to a Destination database or data warehouse. For example, each row from your MySQL Source is replicated as one Event into your Amazon Redshift data warehouse. Some other examples of Events include:

  • A record in an RDBMS such as MySQL or PostgreSQL

  • A document in NoSQL databases such as MongoDB

  • A dictionary object in the JSON array in a Webhook data push

Fetching of data from the Source is called ingestion of Events in Hevo, while replication of the ingested data into the Destination is referred to as loading of Events. Each Hevo plan offers a fixed number of Events per month. Read Events Usage.

The Pipelines Overview page displays the details related to the Events such as the number of Events ingested for each Source object.

Objects and Events

Note: Hevo does not replicate an Event to the Destination table if its size exceeds 128 MB.

Last updated on Jan 07, 2025

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