Deleting Destinations (Edge)
You can delete an Edge Destination if you no longer need it. Once deleted, a Destination cannot be restored and is also not visible on the user interface in the Destinations List View. When you delete a Destination, the Pipeline(s) replicating data into it is also deleted.
Following are some of the scenarios in which you may want to delete your Edge Destination:
Multiple Destinations were created during the testing phase.
The Destination was incorrectly configured or created using a trial account.
Deleting an Edge Destination
Perform the following steps to delete your Edge Destination:
Log in to your Hevo account and select DESTINATIONS in the Navigation Bar.
In the Destinations List View, click the Edge tab, and then click the Destination that you want to delete.
In the detailed view of your Destination, click the More (
) icon to open the Destination Actions menu, and then click Delete Destination.
In the Delete Destination window, a list of the Pipeline(s) connected to the Destination is displayed. Type delete <Destination Name> in the field below this list, and then click DELETE.
Note: Replace the placeholder value with your Destination name. For example, <Destinaton Name> with Snowflake 3.
Click GO TO DESTINATION LIST if you want to open the Destinations List View immediately; otherwise, you will be automatically directed there.