Subscribing to Alerts (Edge)
The Hevo Edge Alerts system provides a subscription model to ensure that you are not flooded with unwanted alert notifications or emails. The subscription model allows you to select only those Pipelines from which you want to receive alert notifications. As a result, you do not miss any actionable or critical alert notifications for your important Pipelines. For example, you can subscribe only to the Pipeline that replicates data from the Sales object.
By default, you are subscribed only to receive alerts for the Pipelines that you create. With this model, you can subscribe to Pipelines created by any of your team members. Further, if you want to stop receiving alert notifications from any Pipelines, you can unsubscribe or remove them from your active Pipeline subscriptions. For example, suppose you created 20 Pipelines. As you are the creator of these Pipelines, you are subscribed to all 20, but you want to receive alerts only from those Pipelines that replicate data from the Customers object. In such a case, you can remove the other Pipelines from your active subscriptions.
Accessing Edge Alerts
Log in to your Hevo account and do one of the following:
Click the Alerts (
) icon next to your username.
Then, click the Settings (
) icon on the ALERTS slide-in page.
From the drop-down menu next to your username, click Alerts.
On the page that opens, click the Edge tab.
Adding a Pipeline Subscription
Perform the following steps to add a new Pipeline subscription:
Access the Edge Alerts page. The Active Pipelines Subscriptions page opens in the Edge tab by default.
On the Active Pipelines Subscriptions page, click + ADD SUBSCRIPTION.
On the Add Pipeline Subscriptions page, which displays a list of all Pipelines created by your team, select the Pipeline(s) from which you want to receive alert notifications. You can also enter the name of the Pipeline to which you wish to subscribe in the search bar at the top and then select the Pipeline.
Note: The + ADD PIPELINES SUBSCRIPTION button is grayed out if you are subscribed to all available Pipelines.
You are now subscribed to Pipeline(s) created by your team members.
Unsubscribing from a Pipeline
Perform the following steps to stop receiving alert notifications from any Pipeline:
Access the Edge Alerts page. The Active Pipelines Subscriptions page opens in the Edge tab by default.
On the Active Pipelines Subscriptions, select the Pipeline(s) from which you stop receiving alert notifications and click UNSUBSCRIBE. You can also enter the name of the Pipeline from which you want to unsubscribe in the search bar at the top and then select the Pipeline.
In the Unsubscribe Pipelines? pop-up dialog, click UNSUBSCRIBE to confirm the action.
You have now unsubscribed from the selected Pipeline(s).
Filtering the Pipeline Subscriptions List
You can organize the list of the Pipelines to which you are subscribed by creating a filter. Filtering helps you organize the list based on the following categories:
Destination: The names of all the Destination(s) created by your team.
Created by: The names of all the members of your team.
You can include multiple categories in your filter. However, the filtered list displays only those Pipelines to which you are subscribed.
Perform the following steps to filter your Pipelines subscription list:
Access the Edge Alerts page.
On the Active Pipeline Subscriptions page, click FILTERS and select your filter criteria.
Click APPLY.
The number of filters and their names are displayed at the top of the filtered view.
You can clear each filter individually or clear all of them at once. For this:
Do one of the following:
Click the (
) icon next to the filter that you want to clear.
In the FILTERS drop-down, click Clear All.
Click APPLY.
Sorting the Pipelines Subscription List
You can sort the list of your subscribed Pipelines based on these columns:
Pipeline Name: The name that was assigned to the Pipeline when it was created.
Source: The name of the Source configured in the Pipeline.
Destination: The name of the Destination configured in the Pipeline.
Created by: The name of the team member who created the Pipeline. By default, Hevo sorts the subscription list in ascending order based on the Pipeline creator’s email address.
You can identify the sorting columns by hovering over their names. Hevo displays an up/down arrow ( ) icon before the name.
To sort the list of your Pipeline subscriptions by any one of the columns mentioned above, do the following:
Access the Edge Alerts page.
In the Active Pipeline Subscriptions list, hover over the column by which you want to sort the list and click the up/down arrow (
) icon next to its name.
A single up (
) or down (
) arrow is displayed before the column name to indicate the order and column by which the list is currently sorted.
Clicking the down arrow ( ) icon resets the sort order. You can then sort the subscriptions list in ascending order.