
Early Access

Early access (EA) features have been validated and tested in Hevo; however, full usability and corner-case handling might still be in progress. We do not provide a warranty for using these features against potential defects that could lead to unexpected or undesired results. Additionally, we may change the behavior of features while they are in EA. If we change the behavior of an EA feature, we do our best to notify users before making the change, but we do not guarantee to always pre-announce changes.

Early Access (EA) features are primarily for evaluation and testing purposes. We do not recommend using them in production systems or with production data.

Features currently available for Early Access

Feature Early Access (EA) General Availability (GA)
Snowflake Key Pair Authentication Release 2.27.3  
Amazon Redshift Serverless as a Destination Release 2.27  
Klaviyo v2 as a Source Release 2.23.1 Release 2.24.2
On-demand Data Loading Release 2.23 Release 2.23.1
Snowflake Partner Connect Release 2.22.2  
Amazon S3 as a Destination Release 2.20  
XMIN Ingestion Mode for PostgreSQL Sources Release 2.20  
Job Monitoring Release 2.19.1  
Audit Tables Release 2.19  
Hevo SaaS Offering on AWS Marketplace Release 2.19  

Request Early Access

We recommend not using EA features for production applications as the following limitations may apply:

  • EA features may contain bugs, which could potentially lead to data corruption.

  • While we welcome your feedback and support tickets identifying problems with any EA feature, we cannot guarantee a timely fix for them.

  • We aim for backward compatibility in all features, however, EA features may introduce breaking changes, which will be informed in the feature’s description.

  • Depending on our customers’ feedback, EA features and products may change in future releases or be withdrawn.

  • Future releases of EA features may include additional functionality to complete the feature.

Early access features are governed by the following warranty disclaimers:

  • EA features are not ready for production and may contain bugs, errors, defects or harmful components. These features are provided by Hevo in an “as is” form and as available. Customers’ access to and/or use of EA features is at their sole risk.

  • To the extent permitted by applicable law, Hevo does not offer any warranties and conditions of any kind for early access, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, those of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.

  • No information or advice, whether oral or written, obtained by the customer through the early access will create any warranty not expressly made in the early access terms.

Last updated on Sep 16, 2024

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