Schema Mapping failure due to missing Metadata
Applies to Databricks
Error Message Text(s) There is existing data in the location. Please remove it or map it to a table with a different name. Learn more.

Potential Causes

Hevo is unable to create a table in the Destination with Auto Mapping enabled. This can happen if you have data of a table with the same name already present in the Destination but its metadata is deleted.

One such scenario where this might happen is:

Suppose you are trying to create a new managed table with the name customers in your Databricks Destination through Hevo. You have an old unmanaged table with the name customers already existing in the database. As Databricks does not allow you to have two tables with the same name in the database, you drop the existing table from the Destination. However, since this is an unmanaged table, dropping the table only deletes its metadata, the data is still present.

Suggested Actions

To resolve this error, do one of the following:

Revision History

Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:

Date Release Description of Change
Sep-05-2022 NA Brought this page under its respective Destination documentation folder.
Feb-21-2022 1.82 New document.
Last updated on Jun 12, 2023

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